Grow faster and reach your ambitious goals with LMI Total Leader ® executive and leadership coaching

"It's lonely at the top."

This phrase suggests that those in leadership positions often experience a sense of isolation due to the unique challenges and responsibilities that come with leading others. It highlights the idea that leaders may find themselves with fewer peers or confidants as they navigate the complexities of their roles.

We support senior executive leaders, start-up founders and CEO’s as they transition to higher levels of leadership, grow their companies and lead their teams.  We inspire our partner clients to pursue purpose and meaning in their work and lives, holding them accountable to achieve their dreams.

Whether you’re looking to…

You’re not alone in feeling this way. Other smart, driven, professionals like you often do. But if left unchecked, these feelings can also fuel stress and self-doubt and keep you from fully enjoying your success. That’s where LMI Total Leader ® executive and leadership coaching comes in.
Success Stories

Testimonials from coaching

Director, HR Technology

Faswilla came right in and first listened to me. After I was able to help her understand who I was, she provided me with the tools and confidence to see my worth. 

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Recognizing that no one gives me value, I give it to myself. I used critical thinking and leadership skills that landed me at a great organization that allows me to pour into myself while also being available for my family. Faswilla was instrumental in helping me break down and center my mind and responsibilities. She helped me add value to my income, my education, and my family.

Her direction made me a better person, employee, mother, and wife! By setting up long-term and short-term goals and understanding accountability, I am grateful for her going on this journey with me. The best part is that this is just the beginning. If you are considering signing up, I highly recommend you do it soon.”

Executive Director
The result is that I’m better equipped to respond (not react), I’m better able to manage my emotions and separate present experiences from past memories.
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Toxic employees are gone. New financial practices are in place. Culture is beginning to shift. Staff are stepping in to their roles (or they are stepping out–both are great outcomes). I trust myself more. I am proud of my work, the changes that I’m making, and my ability to handle situations.
Senior Director, DEI
Over the past several months I’ve had the opportunity to experience executive coaching with Faswilla …to sum it up the experience was worthwhile and very rewarding.
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Besides honing in on leadership skills, I’ve also gotten the experience of using tools shared with me through my executive coaching that helped to build and manage my team especially during very difficult and challenging times. I would highly recommend…it will not disappoint.

Is it time for a breakthrough?

Here's why LMI Total Leader ® executive and leadership coaching is different

Here’s why LMI Total Leader ® executive and leadership coaching is different

Private Coaching Questions Answered…

Coaching is perfect for those who want hands-on support to boost their leadership skills or advance in their career. It provides a clear structure, accountability, and personal insights to help you take meaningful action and unlock your full potential.

However, coaching might not be the best fit if you’re uncertain about your goals or career path, exploring what comes next, or looking for a new job. We work well with clients who are open-minded, take charge, and follow through when guided. If you appreciate being accountable and disciplined, our coaching style is well-suited to your preferences. Coaching isn’t for those who want someone to tell them what to do or do the work for them.

If you’re unsure whether coaching is right for you, we encourage you to apply for a call to explore how coaching can help you achieve your goals.

If we both agree that we’re a good match during our call, we’ll kick off with an onboarding process. During this, you’ll outline your Win:Win goals, which encompass a mix of personal and business objectives, along with their priority levels. Additionally, you’ll complete an attitudes assessment to pinpoint any potential barriers hindering your progress toward your ambitious goals.

Using the information from your Win:Win goals and assessment, we’ll identify the priorities that align best with your objectives. Our sessions will take place bi-weekly, and the format and progression will be tailored to your unique needs.

Although specific outcomes can’t be guaranteed, many clients start noticing positive changes in as little as two weeks. While we’re fully committed to supporting you and bringing our best to each session, it’s essential to note that coaching isn’t a magic solution. The results you achieve will depend on your level of engagement in the process and the effort you’re willing to invest.

Our clients often experience transformative internal shifts, reporting increased confidence, greater sense of control over their personal and professional lives, clarity of focus, resilience, and a renewed sense of purpose. These internal changes manifest externally, leading to tangible career benefits such as:
  • Increased salary
  • Being recognized and rewarded for their achievements
  • Securing multiple promotions within a single year
  • Doubling their business capacity and reaching their highest revenue ever

We promise to keep everything we discuss confidential as agreed upon in our coaching agreement. Your privacy is essential to us, and we follow the ethical standards outlined by the ICF Code of Ethics.

We’ve discovered that 12 sessions work really well. This provides ample time for you to achieve important goals while keeping a sense of urgency. During this period, we can enhance your transformation and make sure your results and new behaviors last.

Sessions take place through video calls. At this time we don’t conduct in-person 1-on-1 coaching sessions. The convenience of virtual sessions means you can join from the comfort of your home or office, making scheduling much more flexible!

Your employer might cover the cost of coaching or provide reimbursement – feel free to inquire for additional details!

Complete The Form Below to Apply Now

Thank you for your interest in executive coaching. We know one of the best investments you can make is to develop yourself and achieve your personal best. Please take a few minutes to complete the following form. The more specific you are, the better we can assess if we may be able to serve you and if it makes sense to schedule a consultation call. You’ll hear back within 2 business days about your application. (Note:** questions are mandatory otherwise form cannot be submitted)